This article will detail the steps users should follow to set up their Google Drive File Stream.

What is it?

Google Drive File Stream is a new, enterprise-only backup and file management program. Simply put, it allows users to access their Drive contents, and backup to Drive, via folders on their computer. This guide will walk you through setting up and making the best use of your Google Drive File Stream.

Please follow the steps carefully. If you run into any trouble setting up the program, please file a ticket using this helpdesk and we will assist you.

Installation Instructions:

Click the Windows button (sometimes referred to as the 'Start' button) and select 'Drive File Stream' from the list. NOTE: NOT under 'G' as 'Google' isn't in the name. 

When you do, the application will open and you will be presented with a Google login screen. Log in with your @MANSD.ORG school email account.

Upon logging in with your email credentials, the application will welcome you with the screen pictured below.

You may either close this window or click through the slides using the arrow button on the right until you reach this screen:

Upon either closing this window or clicking the "Open Google Drive Folder" button, a window will open on your screen displaying your Drive folder. It will look as it does in the picture below.

Right-click on "My Drive" and find the option to "Create Shortcut". Click that option.

You will get a warning message. THIS IS NORMAL. It will ask if you would like to create a shortcut on the desktop. You want to do this, so click "Yes."

A My Drive shortcut link will be added to your desktop as pictured below.

When you click to open that shortcut, you will be shown the contents of your Google Drive folder, whatever that might be. In the example below, it is empty, but yours may be filled with your saved Drive content.

So What?

It is a very good idea to conduct all your computer business working out of that folder. Functionally it is identical to working out of any other folder, but this one syncs to your Google Drive and is thus backed up in the Cloud, as well as made available on all devices you can access Drive from (which include generally every device on the planet, so long as it has internet connectivity). This will make backing up, retaining, and utilizing your files much easier.

Please make ample use of this benefit, and as always, reach out to us via a helpdesk ticket if you run into any trouble using this or any other technology resource.